Select Your Donation Mode
Contributions are exempt from Federal income tax per section 501(c)(3) Tax ID No. 31-1634640
Please send your contributions by check(s) payable to AASAI. Mention the Project Name if you are contributing towards a specific project otherwise the contributed amount may be used for any project by AASAI.
Maximize your gift through company match. Sometimes company match can double your gift. Please contact your employer.
Paypal will charge a fee of 2.2% for making online donations. If a specific project is chosen to receive the funds, only the net amount received will be disbursed. You will receive a statement from AASAI for the total amount donated.
Maximize your gift through company match. Sometimes company match can double your gift. Please contact your employer.
AASAI is registered and eligible for donation (0.5% of your on line purchases) from Amazon. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device.
It is an easy way to support AASAI and its projects without any additional cost to you.
Maximize your gift through company match. Sometimes company match can double your gift. Please contact your employer.